Upgraded to Bricks 1.9.2. Please report any layout issues. Get $10 off with code “SPOOKY23”
Bricks Builder Templates Bundle
Boost your projects with accessibility-centered Bricks Templates bundle. Easily import them with just one click in your builder. You'll find full-page templates, landing page templates, reusable components, animated buttons, and wireframes that make your projects breeze through to completion.
Unlimited Lifetime
Why bricks templates?
Websites created using Bricks Templates stand on their own, not needing help from other tools or updates made by outsiders. This makes them resilient and steady.
No Overhead
No framework dependency just vanilla Bricks. Super light.
BEM Organized
Well organized with BEM for global control and scalability.
Full Pages
Get your concept idea with beautiful full-page templates.
Beautiful wireframes, Ready to style with BEM classes.
Woo Layouts
One set of Woo layout and coming more in future.
Reusable components for easy implementation.
semantic hTML
Carefully build with semantic HTML for accessibility.
Remote Templates
One click import within builder. Easy & convenience.
Templates are well tested and looks good on all devices.
One time payment
We care about quality and affordability for all users.
Nothing left out
Full pages, Landing pages, Wireframes and components.
Nee more?
Request your layout need. We are ready to help.
Growing library
You don't deserve to start from scratch. 400+ Bricks Builder Templates to start and more are coming !
200+ Wireframes
Live DemoThai Restaurant
Live DemoAuto Repair
Live DemoFinest - Restaurant
Live DemoPhotography - 2
Live DemoICT Company
Live DemoPhotography
Live DemoMen Spa
Live DemoDigital Agency
Live DemoMultipurpose - one
Live DemoMultipurpose - two
Live DemoLanding page collection
Live DemoLaw Firm
Live DemoWoo Store
Live DemoRestaurant one page
Live DemoPersonal Portfolio
Live DemoAnimated Buttons
Live DemoReusable Parts
Live Demo404 collection
Live DemosHealthcare - Planned
Live Demo
Help to improve bricks template
Report issues
Whenever you found issues with bricks templates. Please write us ASAP.Give advices
Your advices are always welcome. Keep and touch with us whenever you have an new idea.Request layouts
If you need something for your project, you are feel free to reach us and request.
Happy user

Hermes Macedo
I was looking for a library with layout options to make building pages even easier. When I found Bricks Templates I couldn’t believe it. Creator is always updating the variations. And if it has an example layout it can’t find, it builds it. I recommend buying, as they are an option of different and beautiful layouts.